Sheaffer Heritage

Conklin, Wahl-Eversharp, Krone, Franklin Christoph

Moderatoren: desas, MarkIV, Linceo, Lamynator, Zollinger

M. Richter
Beiträge: 473
Registriert: 21.09.2003 11:35

Sheaffer Heritage

Beitrag von M. Richter »


ich suche immer noch Informationen (bzw. Katalogmaterial) über die Sheaffer Heritage Collection; und zwar die ältere Serie (muss aus den 80-90er Jahren sein), nicht die neuere Legacy (III) Heritage Serie!

Die Stifte die ich meine sehen den Sheaffer Nostalgia Modellen sehr ähnlich haben allerdings ein anderes Muster (mit Blumen) und das "Overlay" ist nicht durchbrochen.

Es gab Füllfederhalter und Kugelschreiber mit Kappe in Sterling Silber oder vergoldet.

Ich habe die Sheaffer Kataloge von 1994 an und kann den Stift darin nicht finden und würde mich daher sehr über Kataloge/infos von vor 1994 freuen.

Interessant sind auch Produktionszeitraum und Listenpreis.

Vielen Dank schon einmal im voraus.

Free Citizen
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 27.04.2004 10:21

Beitrag von Free Citizen »

I don’t have any idea what the discussions about Sheaffer are in this forum but I personally feel that this brand deserves a board by itself. I own several fine pieces by this maker and where I am residing it is one of the top three pen sellers in the country. The other two being Parker and A. T. Cross. I am sure there are many owners who would like to discuss about their collection.
Stephan Th
Beiträge: 136
Registriert: 19.09.2003 16:48

Beitrag von Stephan Th »

I don't think that opening an extra board for sheaffer would be such a good idea. Although the company undoubtedly belongs to the most famous and reputed, it is hardly known here in Germany and there are even fewer people who actually collect these pens, which I personally find a bit sad. Yet even Waterman, which IS a very strong company here in Europe does not get as much attention as Pelikan and Montblanc.
Free Citizen
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 27.04.2004 10:21

Beitrag von Free Citizen »

Stephan Thirmeyer hat geschrieben:I don't think that opening an extra board for sheaffer would be such a good idea. Although the company undoubtedly belongs to the most famous and reputed, it is hardly known here in Germany and there are even fewer people who actually collect these pens,
Yes Stephan, you are quite right. How silly of me to assume that all market areas are the same. Incidentally, I am sad to say the same fate befalls Pelikan in my country. Pelikan is a welknown stationary brand but very few people know about its fine pens. So it is no wonder that Montblanc with their strong advertising has a strangle hold on the luxury pen market here. Ubiquitous on other fronts are Parker, Sheaffer and A. T. Cross in that order. Since Waterman is held by the same company that also owns Parker, it too is gaining popularity being sold beside the Parker counter. Even the relatively new comer Faber-Castell is more well-known than Pelikan where fine pens is concerned.

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